2014년 3월 30일 일요일

UX_ Blog Post #6

flow chart

last friday a really wanted to buy a 불닭볶음면,which is a bestseller of 삼양 company. However there were not 불닭볶음면 in the second dormitory market and I was disappointed. Then, I went to Underwood Library's market but It was closed. The memory became the most annoying episode in the university because it was a hard day and I tolerate the day with a hope of dinner, 불닭볶음면.
However it was exist in the first dormitory's market and I wanted to solve the problem with the system I make.

I had an idea from 'Integrated library system' from blog post #4.

  • acquisitions (ordering, receiving, and invoicing materials)
  • cataloging (classifying and indexing materials)

  • Like this system, I thought if products are controlled by the centralized data system(중앙처리시스템?) It would be more efficient. Furthermore we can understand which product is a bestseller of the market and increase or decrease the article supply and the remainder would be decreased. It give both customer and seller a profit. 


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