2014년 3월 30일 일요일

UX_ Blog Post #6

flow chart

last friday a really wanted to buy a 불닭볶음면,which is a bestseller of 삼양 company. However there were not 불닭볶음면 in the second dormitory market and I was disappointed. Then, I went to Underwood Library's market but It was closed. The memory became the most annoying episode in the university because it was a hard day and I tolerate the day with a hope of dinner, 불닭볶음면.
However it was exist in the first dormitory's market and I wanted to solve the problem with the system I make.

I had an idea from 'Integrated library system' from blog post #4.

  • acquisitions (ordering, receiving, and invoicing materials)
  • cataloging (classifying and indexing materials)

  • Like this system, I thought if products are controlled by the centralized data system(중앙처리시스템?) It would be more efficient. Furthermore we can understand which product is a bestseller of the market and increase or decrease the article supply and the remainder would be decreased. It give both customer and seller a profit. 


    UX_Blog Post#5

    Readings And Critiques


    1. Introduction

    NEEDS: this project is designed to help blind people or normal people to explore AUDIO city maps in their safety home and adapt to real world.
    I think this have specificity that it can provide realistic information that can help people.

    2. Previous work and its influence on our design rationale

    I really love this structure considering the readers of this paper!!! 이게 바로 ux라고 생각합니다!!!!!

    3. Design

    keyword: turns 45, accompanies step change, pressing return, filter other sound, auditory display, icons, etc
    The most interesting part is that considering the people who use the program by filtering non-informational sound. It really helps the user because the sense of hearing is so sensitive that many citizens feel tired and the information that people can accept is limited.

    4. Evaluation

    users can enjoy by adopt a game system and the evaluating standard is disinterest and the way that leading to the result was acceptable.

    5. Results

    ambient sound is better in the many factors(wayfinding index, sonification index etc)



    I think this paper is really better than previous papers because it is more logical and they are talking based on many scientific facts and other papers that everybody can easily accept. The structure or this paper was designed to persuade readers and I really enjoyed this research and their extraordinary attempt. Further more the topic is useful and the result prototype can really help blind people by its efficiency.

    2014년 3월 23일 일요일

    UX_Blog Post #3_1

    Readings And Critiques


    Remembering today tomorrow:Exploring the human-centred
    design of digital mementos

     research exploring the context for human-centred design of ‘digitalmementos’, as an example of
    technology for reflection on personal experience.
     All artifacts are made to express human's emotion and value and those artifacts are advanced and developing by users. Comparing human focus design and  technology focus design, human focus design is most important in digital mementos.

    eg)ChannelPix, TxtBox, Aroma-mouse

    it was very difficult to read this study. Also to be honest I didn't understand it. However I really tried to read it and I believe this exprience made me grow up. I almost spent 8hours to finish the homework of UX, and I feel there are many things that I cannot controll. Amm... it is out of my controll   : - (

    UX _Blog Post #3


    Readings And Critiques

    Designing Robots in the Wild: In situ Prototype
    Evaluation for a Break Management Robot

    Need of break management robot (named Dewey):
    Obseervation of work environment, realize the significance of break management.
    interviewed volunteer participants about their break-taking practices and found they varied widely, but dissatisfaction with the frequency of breaks was commonplace.

    1: Context exploration
      Aims: Exploration of taking breaks in an office environment and initial design of a physical break reminder technology.
      Findings: Minimalist design preferred; users concerned about amount of effort involved in using technology; desire for small footprint and no noise.

    2: Embodiment
     Aims: Comparison of physically embodied and virtual prototypes in respect to break-taking behaviors.
      Findings: Embodied prototype preferred and more efficient at reminding about breaks; users requested more interactivity and personalization.

    3: Social interaction Examination of how
     Aims: social interactivity affects perception of the robot and effectiveness in break management.
     Findings: Social robots are described in more relational terms and more effective in motivating taking breaks; work style has significant effect on perceptions of robots.
    == positive result

     I think the experiement is affected by the intention of the researchers and disinterested evidences are needed. There are too many variables and it is difficult to control them. Therefore I think if reseachers increased the number of participants, it would be more believable.
    However I think getting an early feedback about the usability and make a difference in robotic design (form, function) is quite great and logical.

    UX_ Blog Post #4

    Complete System Concept Statement Exercise

    I think 'Integrated library system' is quite a great invention that made library system more efficient. Most citizens (especially students and experts) are using library to collect some information and study some specific field for exam or work. 
  • acquisitions (ordering, receiving, and invoicing materials)
  • cataloging (classifying and indexing materials)
  • circulation (lending materials to patrons and receiving them back.
  • These three functions are the main function in this system. Each book has a unique ID in the database that allows the ILS to track its activity.

    As datas are increasing rapidly, classifying and managing books became more important. The system solve many probelms. For example, users can easily find a book with a click and know the condition of the book ,that the user want to read. Furtheremore user make a reservation if the book is already taken, and receive the book in the date.

    The systems solved partial part of 'limit of  material'. Also there are no library that has all the information. Especially in advanced and proffesional part the problem become more  serious. However by the Integrated library system, we can hunt the book and the book delivered to near library. For example we can borrow a book ,which is in Shin-chon campus, in underwood memorial library with a click and we can recieve the book in 12 hours.

     User can feel all libraries are linked and finding books are not tough anymore. Users feel that they can handle all books and become more friendly with books.

    2014년 3월 9일 일요일

    I always have written my personal statement for office version such as getting through university. Therefore just the thought of this homework made my heart flutter and simultaneously, I'm nervous because my english is not fluent. Even though I'm in an advanced course in English, I make many grammar mistakes in speaking and writing. (I cannot believe that how could I join advanced course!!!!! It would be a system error) I hope that my english skills become excellent through this year.
    I'll start introducing myself. My name is Park Ji Hyeon and I entered the Yonsei University this year. (wow! I spent almost one week in university.) I cannot realize that I'm a university student yet because I was so busy and stay in a tension not to make mistakes in making new relationship. Also I think nothing have changed with high school except lectures that consisted of English, and ALCOHOL. I really hate the beverage because I feel my throat burning when I drink them. It doesn't feel good, just disgusting. However I am trying understanding drinkings as an university culture to enjoy with others but I feel it won't be easy because I'm 18 years old, not an adult. I early graduate Incheon science high school, and I went to elementary school early by korean culture that January and February birth students entrance an elementary school by the age of seven. Maybe I will enjoy the culture 2years later.
    너무 횡설수설하게 글이 진행이 되어서 어떻게 하면 나를 가장 잘 표현할 수 있을 까 고민했다. 하고 싶은 이야기는 많고 필력은 그에 따라 주지 못하니 마음만 앞섰다. 썼다 지우고 썼다 지우기를 반복하였고 이러다가 오늘 안에 제출하지 못할 것이라는 두려움에 그냥 무작정 써보기로 마음먹었다. 우선 어떤 것으로 나를 표현할 수 있을까를 생각해보니 비틀즈가 떠올랐다. 나의 어린 시절의 감성을 자극했던 비틀즈. 다른 친구들이 동방신기와 슈퍼주니어에 빠져 있을 때 나는 비틀즈의 가사를 곱씹었다. 아무것도 모르는 초등학생 꼬맹이가 왜 그리도 비틀즈 음악을 듣고 들었는지 아직도 이해할 수는 없지만 나는 비틀즈가 좋았고 그들의 노래 가사처럼 살고 싶었다고 생각했다. 나의 18년 인생의 토양이라고 하기는 조금 과한 면이 있을 수 있지만 그래도 그들의 곡이 나의 선택의 진로에서 조금의 영향은 있었을 것이라 확신한다. 그래서 비틀즈의 음악의 제목을 키워드 삼아 나의 이야기를 풀어보려 한다.
    IMAGINE_ john lennon
    You may say Im a dreamer,
    but I'm not the only one,
    I'm dreaming a better place... As the lyrics in the song, I hope the world that all the people living for today, nothing to kill or die for, no need for greed or hunger and living life in peace. And finally the world will live as one. Every human being suffer with their own problem but there are so many people starving or feeling hopeless regardless of their effort. Some people call it a destiny or a surroundings but I believe that we can solve this problem. To make my dreams come true I'll do my best in my position. I want to help others with the things that I am good at. I believe engineering can change the world and save people. However I am not sure what makes my heart moving and what is I'm good at. Therefore I'm gonna try to find myself by some direct experiences and indirect experiences. Also I hope saying "My first is purely scientific and technical" having confidence when I'm graduating university.
    LET IT BE_ beatles
    When I find myself in times of trouble
    Mother Mary comes to me
    Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
    저는 입시가 한마디로 대박이 났었습니다. 쓴 대학에 모두 합격을 했었습니다. 흔히들 말하는 서포카연고, 정말 꿈만 같았습니다. 저는 제 인생의 가장 중요한 선택을 해야만 했고, 주위의 모든 이들은 당연하게 서울대학교를 선택하라고 했습니다. 하지만 약사라는 어떻게 보면 안정된 진로는 제가 꿈꾸던 미래와는 너무나도 달랐습니다. 저는 근 일주일동안 계속해서 울었고 매 시간, 아니 분마다 진학하고자 하는 대학이 바뀌었습니다. 정말 다른 두 개의 미래 앞에서 저는 머리를 싸매 쥐었습니다. 저의 결정에 제가 가는 길의 방향이 바뀌는 것이었기에, 또한 저는 아직 저의 결정에 따라올 책임과 상반된 진로가 부담스러웠기에 망설이기만 하였습니다. 최종적으로 저는 연세대학교 글로벌융합공학부를 선택하였고, 나를 성장시킬 수 있을 것이라는 막연한 믿음 때문이었습니다. 하지만 제가 가장 싫어하는 것은 컴퓨터입니다. 컴퓨터에서 작업을 하면 눈과 머리가 아파서 힘이 들고, 아직까지도 타자를 외우지 못해 일의 능률이 낮습니다. 뭔가 기계적인, 딱딱하고 차가운 느낌에 저는 컴퓨터가 그냥 싫고 제가 컴퓨터를 가장 기초로 하는 글로벌융합공학부에 들어올지 상상도 못했습니다. 그래도 저는 도전 해보고 싶었습니다. 전공으로 공부하던 화학과 연관된 화학 생명 공학부를 버리고 아직도 왜 그런 선택을 했는지 확답은 못하겠습니다. 어쩌면 너무 충동적인 결정이었으니까요. 하지만 젊어서의 고생은 사서도 한다는 말과, 교수님과의 긴밀한 관계, 어쩌면 마지막일 수 있는 제대로 된 성장 기회라는 점에서 끌리지 않았을까 되돌아봅니다. 또, 어느 대회에서 만난 선배님이 젊을 때는 수학과 물리 베이스의 공부를 하라는 말씀을 하셨던 기억도 최종 결정에 작용했습니다. 물리 쪽을 연구하시는 자신의 지도교수님께서 생명과학 캠벨 책 하나 보고 물리와 생물 융합된 연구를 하셔서 저명한 학술지에 실리셨다면서 물리를 공부하다 생물을 할 수는 있지만 그 반대는 어렵다는 이유로 말입니다. 아마 살면서 저의 결정을 후회할 날이 있을 것입니다. 솔직히 말해서 서울대에 다니는 사람들만 보면 아깝고, 자부심을 부리는 것을 보면 ‘아 나도 저기 붙었는데 안 간거야.’라는 괜한 울분이 납니다. 그래도 제가 내린 결정, 멋있게 책임을 질 수 있도록 열심히 해야겠습니다. 연세대학교에서 많이 배우고 성장해서 제가 진짜 뭐를 잘하는지, 잘할 수 있을지, 좋아하는지 알아보려고 합니다. 그리고 ‘그때 나의 선택은 탁월한 것이었어.’ 라고 추억할 수 있기를 소망합니다.
    LOVE_ john lennon
    Love is real, Real is love.
    Love is feeling, Feeling love.
    Love is wanting to be loved.
    I really love this lyrics. Especially, "Love is wanting to be loved." To be honest, I didn't understand this lyrics exactly because I haven't met any guys. Nobody said "I like you" to me and this made me sad and I loosed confidence. When I was kid I despised the world that judge person with their appearance. However I didn't noticed I had an inferiority complex from not having beautiful face. I thought I'm not attractive and self-depreciation made me a plain woman. However my friends cheered me up, saying you are quite great person and they said nobody loves you if you don't love yourself. I learned to love myself and trying to learn making myself up. Also I really love this sentence. If you would be loved, love and be lovable. (Benjamin Franklin)
    To be honest I really hate this society that lookism is rampant, but I don't want to have plastic surgery because I believe that the confidence that came up with plastic surgery is meaningless. I'll learn how to accept whole myself.
    Words are flowing out
    Like endless rain into a paper cup,
    They slither while they pass,
    They slip away
    Across the universe
    Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup. They slip away Across the universe, called Sea of Information. I hope that the words that I scatter on this paper can explain me exactly. Thank you for reading.