2014년 6월 8일 일요일

UX Final

Emotional Impact +Heuristic Evaluation Report


Name of system being evaluated: M-Bus E-ticket System


Prepared By:

Name : 박지현, 송영웅


Evaluation of:

Problem #1 : Clarity of Ads

Do you think that the contents of Ads were clear to understand? 1 (1~5)

Reason for reporting as negative or positive: The second Ad about Solution & Lenovo thinkpad was unclear to target users. They recognized the Ad as separate two Ads. (This was applied later in the prototype.)

Scope of problem: Solution & Lenovo thinkpad Ad page

Severity of problem (high/medium/low): high

Justification for severity rating: no justification. Change is needed in the Ad.

Suggestions to fix: put additional description in the Ad (such as “~과 함께하는”, “with”). Change the background to the same color.

Possible trade-offs (why fix might not work): additional description might be also unclear. They can be



Problem #2 : Aesthetic view

Does the application have good design in Aesthetic view? 2

Reason for reporting as negative or positive: Weird Design, too many colors are used there. Aesthetic view was so  terrible that I think the inventor gave up the outlook of the application.

Scope of problem: Log in page

Severity of problem (high/medium/low): high

Justification for severity rating: Design is not that bad. If color is changed, I think it will greatly improve.

Possible trade-offs (why fix might not work): reduce the number of colors in the design



Problem #3 : Recognition of Ads

Can you remember the Ads in the application? 2

Reason for reporting as negative or positive: Ads did not have great impact on users.

Scope of problem: All the Ads in the Application

Severity of problem (high/medium/low): medium

Justification for severity rating: Ads do not have great impact because they are just banners.

Suggestions to fix: Remove the Ads.

Possible trade-offs (why fix might not work): Banners are part of the system; just removing it against the system.

Can you remember the Ads in the application? Not at all



Heuristic : Plain language

Does the prototype use the natural language that is familiar to the target user? 4

Reason for reporting as positive: All the phrases and sentences in the prototype were understood at once.



Heuristic : Time spended to do the task.

How much time did you spend on getting M-Bus E-ticket? 5

Reason for reporting as positive: It got less than a minute to get the ticket. This is really efficient because students do not have to go other places to get the M-Bus ticket.



Heuristic : Consistency

Are the locations of icons appropriate, efficient and consistent? 4

Reason for reporting as positive: It took less than a minute to get the ticket. It means the design is efficient. However, there were no logout button in the prototype. (This was applied later in the prototype.)


2014년 5월 31일 토요일

‘YONSEI M-Bus’ Application Questionnaire _2

 ‘YONSEI M-Bus’ Application Questionnaire

처음 이 Application을 사용할 때  Instruction을 이해하기 편했나요?
(poor understanding) 1 to 10 (good understanding)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Application의 예약방법에 만족하셨나요? (전반적인 평가)
(unsatisfactory) 1 to 7 (satisfactory) scale
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  Application을 사용하기 간편한가요? 아니면 복잡한가요?
 (unefficient) 1 to 7 (Efficient) scale
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Application이 당신의 생활에 도움이 될 것이라 생각하나요?
(unhelpful) 1 to 7 (helpful) scale
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

 Application을 재 방문 하실 의사가 있으신가요?
 (NO) 1 to 7 (YES) scale

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2014년 5월 26일 월요일


교수님 메일로 Prototype ppt  를 보냈습니다.
1.    Setting up the system in your smartphone
안내문에 따라 다음의 Application 설치 해주시고 YSCEC에 등록된 계정으로 신원을 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

·      System의 기반은Application입니다. 효과적인Application의 설치를 위해 제일 먼저 핸드폰을 켜주시기 바랍니다.
·      Google Play Store/ App Store 에 접속하여 검색합니다.
·      ‘Yonsei M-bus’  Application버튼을 눌러 다운받습니다.

·      Application 설치가 완료되면 네트워크에 연결하여 주십시오. 그 후, ‘Yonsei M-bus’ 아이콘을 눌러 Application를 실행시키시기 바랍니다.
·      연세포탈에 등록된 계정(학번과 비밀번호)으로 로그인을 하십시오.
·      로그인을 하면, 자신의 인적사항과 M-bus 티켓 발급 내역을 확인하실 수 있습니다.
·      예약하기 버튼을 누른 뒤 달력에서 오늘의 날짜를 클릭한뒤, 매수를 선택하면 발급 받으실 수 있습니다.
·      발급 내역에서 매수란을 클릭하면 티켓을 확인하실 수 있습니다.  사용하시려면, 티켓확인 창에서 사용하기 버튼을 누르면 됩니다.
·      한번 사용한 티켓은 자동으로 폐기되니, 유의하기시 바랍니다.

2.    Show your ticket and ask for transportation service
M-bus에 탑승한 뒤
·      자신의 티켓을 열어 기사님께 보여드린 뒤, 사용하기 버튼을 눌러 티켓을 사용 및 동시에 폐기합니다.
·      티켓은 유효기간에만 사용 가능합니다.
·      앞에 기술된 매뉴얼을 따르셨다면, M6724 운수서비스를 사용하실 수 있습니다.

 ‘YONSEI M-Bus’ Application Questionnaire

이 시스템에 만족하셨나요?
(unsatisfactory) 1 to 7 (satisfactory) scale
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

M-Bus를 예약하는데 이 Application이 효율적이라고 생각하십니까?
(unefficient) 1 to 7 (Efficient) scale
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

 M-Bus를 사용하는데 이 Application이  도움이 되나요?
(unhelpful) 1 to 7 (helpful) scale
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

 Application을 재 방문 하실 의사가 있으신가요?
 (NO) 1 to 7 (YES) scale
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

처음 이 Application을 사용할 때  Instruction을 이해하기 편했나요?
 (poor understanding) 1 to 10 (good understanding)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7